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Indoor Air Quality: The Role of Your HVAC System in Keeping Your Air Clean

Indoor Air Quality: The Role of Your HVAC System in Keeping Your Air Clean

In an age when health and well-being are paramount, indoor air quality (IAQ) is no longer just about comfort – it’s about safety. The air inside our homes can be laden with pollutants, allergens, and even pathogens. Your HVAC system, far more than a temperature control device, is a guardian of the air you breathe. Let’s explore how it stands between you and indoor pollutants.


1. Understanding MERV Ratings in Air Filters:

The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating on air filters indicates their ability to capture particles of specific sizes. While most standard filters may be about an inch in thickness, larger 4″ to 5″ filters often have higher MERV ratings, capturing even the tiniest of particles, thus providing cleaner air.


Tip: For homeowners serious about IAQ, investing in filters with higher MERV ratings, especially the broader ones, can make a tangible difference.


2. Humidity Control with Variable Speed Units:

Humidity isn’t just about comfort; it’s about health. While high humidity can encourage mold growth, low humidity can irritate the respiratory system. New variable speed outdoor units offer precise humidity control, adjusting in real-time to maintain an optimal balance.


Tip: When considering HVAC upgrades, explore variable speed units for their advanced humidity management features.


3. Fresh Air and VOCs:

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are gaseous chemicals often found in household products. These compounds can adversely affect health over time. A robust HVAC system can introduce fresh outdoor air, diluting the concentration of VOCs indoors.


Tip: Regularly vent your home and ensure your HVAC’s ventilation capabilities are in top form to reduce VOC buildup.


4. Harnessing UV Power with “Air Scrubber by Aerus”:

UV lights in HVAC systems have been a revelation for IAQ. Devices like the “Air Scrubber by Aerus” go a step further, with claims of eliminating viruses, including the notorious COVID-19. By using UV light technology, these devices deactivate pathogens, ensuring they don’t circulate in your living space.


Tip: Given the health risks associated with viruses, incorporating advanced UV systems like the Air Scrubber can provide peace of mind.


5. Addressing the Invisible Threat: Radon:

Radon, a colorless, odorless gas, is a silent health hazard found in many homes. It’s the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Testing for radon is crucial, and if levels are high, installing radon fans and mitigation systems can reduce the risk.


Tip: Regularly measure radon levels in your home, especially if you have done any major renovations or if it has been years since your last test.


6. Routine Maintenance and Professional Oversight:

A well-maintained HVAC system is pivotal for optimal IAQ. Regular inspections, cleanings, and filter replacements ensure your system isn’t a source of pollutants.


Tip: Periodic professional check-ups can identify and rectify potential issues, ensuring the system functions as an air purifier, not a pollutant distributor.



The complexity of IAQ cannot be underestimated, especially with the myriad of potential pollutants and health risks associated. Your HVAC system, when optimized, stands as a protective barrier. By understanding and leveraging its features – from advanced filters to variable-speed units, from VOC dilution capabilities to state-of-the-art UV systems like the Air Scrubber – you can transform your home into a sanctuary of clean air. Add to that proactive measures like radon testing, and you’re not just enhancing comfort; you’re safeguarding health.

Josh Giesing
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